Archive for January, 2013

The One That Done Me In

January 22, 2013

It was late in the morning on a Wednesday afternoon

I was wasting away in a rundown saloon

A glass of cheap whiskey sat where I could see

With ten more lined up all beckoning to me

As each glass was emptied it became clear

Impending doom was drawing very near

I tried to make the best of it with a stoic face

And hoped no one would notice that I felt so out of place

The room had started spinning as I knew it would

So I held onto the table just as hard as I could

I couldn’t see across the room as I was almost blind

But I didn’t seem to care for I was having a real good time

That was when I had a thought I should have never had

For things were getting worse and turning really bad

I felt that it was time to go and was looking for the door

But all I found was me sprawled across the floor

I couldn’t stand or fall down much less walk or swoon

For I was trapped in a corner in the middle of the room

So there I was wishing I had stopped at ten

For it was the last one that done me in